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Christmas Soirée 2019

On Tuesday evening of this week staff, students and parents and carers of pupils from across the three schools within our Multi Academy Trust were treated to a really superb evening of festive entertainment. The eclectic programme of musical entertainment included talented soloists, some great duets, energetic rock bands, amazing choirs and a superb jazz band; they certainly got us into the Christmas mood! Inspirational music teachers Mr Gray and Ms Fort led the musicians and singers through the brilliant evening which showcased such talent from across the three schools and a big thank you goes to Miss Brown our Head of Music and Music Coordinator across the Bushey St James Trust. One of the highlights of the Christmas Soiree were the performances of the Choirs from our two primary schools within the Bushey St James Trust. Both the Hartsbourne Primary School and Little Reddings primary School Choirs stole the show at the start of the evening with their enchanting vocal performances. A big congratulations goes to Ms Fort, our Music Teacher across the Trust who rehearsed them so brilliantly this term.The Year 7 band have rehearsed in the Music Department most lunchtimes this term and their hard work and dedication paid off with their energetic and professional performance at this week’s Christmas Soiree – the audience loved it! Their performance was complimented with some stunning solo performances including a very poignant guitar and vocal solo from Daisy in Year 9. The stage was packed at the end of the evening for the finale performance given by all the secondary school students involved in the Christmas Soiree – testimony to the hard work and dedication of all staff and students involved in the hugely successful event. All in all it was a great evening enjoyed by all of us who were present. Happy Christmas everyone!

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