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Best Practice Captured in Maths as part of our third Marking and Feedback Fortnight

Best Practice Captured in Maths as part of our third Marking and Feedback Fortnight

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Best Practice Captured in Maths as part of...
It is always a privilege to walk through the Maths Faculty at Bushey Meads School and see teachers and learning assistants passionate about maths and instilling a love of learning in all students. To maximise the progress of all learners they employ a real variety of assessment methods to recognise strengths, identify next steps and support high attainment.
In addition to this, they work hard to make maths fun and also relay it to real world situations. In Miss Wells’ class students were playing maths bingo using dice and strengthening their core mathematical skills.
In Miss Samuel-Redhead’s class, excellent use was being made of the instant online marking facilities on the Mymaths platform they were using.
Students in Mr Kasza’s class had completed some great work on Mymaths evidenced by Mymaths report sheets on which the teacher had identified clear strengths and the next steps that needed to be taken to improve aspects of their learning; very focussed and diagnostic to maximise attainment over time.
Throughout the faculty, presentation in exercise books was excellent with neat margins drawn, writing clear, all titles underlined, assessment stickers completed carefully and work marked regularly in green pen by the teacher or purple pen by the students.
In Mrs Seliah’s class there was evidence of excellent use of the orange verbal feedback stickers, capturing feedback from the teacher to support progress and in Mr Appiah Twum’s class, students were clearly in excellent routines and were used to employing a whole variety of assessment stickers, including the green peer assessment and the blue self assessment ones; next steps and challenges were identified to support ongoing achievement.
I would like to thank all the Maths teachers at Bushey Meads for their hard work and dedication to supporting students throughout the school and Mr Donovan for his excellent leadership as the Head of Faculty of our flagship Maths Faculty. We are extremely fortunate to have such a great team of teachers at our school.

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