Sixth Form Student of the Week
Ludan 12W Ludan joined Bushey Meads Sixth Form as one of our outstanding new to school students. She has fitted in to the Sixth Form so well it’s hard to remember that she hasn’t...
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Ludan 12W Ludan joined Bushey Meads Sixth Form as one of our outstanding new to school students. She has fitted in to the Sixth Form so well it’s hard to remember that she hasn’t...
Posted by Giles Monks
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...
Posted by Giles Monks
Luca 13B Mr Sylvester has nominated Luca as he consistently demonstrates a positive attitude to learning. He is diligent in his approach to his studies and brings his positive,...
Posted by Giles Monks
This week our fantastic politics students have been taking part in the UK Parliament week. The week is led by the Parliamentary Education service to explain the role and functions...
Posted by Giles Monks
The Sixth Form team would like to nominate every Year 12 and 13 Prefect and subject helpers who supported last night’s very successful Sixth Form Open Evening event. Each and...
Posted by Giles Monks
Logan 12W Logan has successfully made the transition from Year 11 into a mature, kind and highly motivated Sixth Former seamlessly. Logan has been appointed a Prefect and acts as...
Posted by Giles Monks
Year 12 and 13 Politics students have had a gripping time discussing the turbulent and dramatic political events of the last few weeks. At the start of the year Y12 students were...
Posted by Giles Monks
Amy Deutrom 12S Amy has hit the ground running adjusting rapidly to become a fantastic member of the Sixth Form. She is hard working and engaged in her learning and has earned the...
Posted by Giles Monks
Anushah – 12E The Sixth Form Team were delighted to hear Mr Burley nominate Anushah this week. She has made fantastic improvements to her attitude, work ethic and output...
Posted by Giles Monks
As part of last Friday’s Enrichment Day activities, Year 12 students went into London for our Expanding Horizons Trips. Students were able to choose to visit a Museum or Art...
Posted by Giles Monks
Ludan 12W
It is no surprise to know that our superb Sixth Form provision places the school in the top percentage rankings nationally for adding value to students’ performance; whether...
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...