Bushey Meads School is a friendly and inclusive learning community where everyone has the right to study and work in a safe and secure environment, without harassment,...
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Bushey Meads School is a friendly and inclusive learning community where everyone has the right to study and work in a safe and secure environment, without harassment,...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
After reflecting on some amazing results from last year’s artists, musicians, dramatists and dancers we begin the new academic year with a buzz in the air. Already arts students...
Posted by Greg Knowles
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Posted by James Felix
One of the major new raising achievement initiatives started in recent years at BMS that has arguably had the most impact, has been the introduction of our Going 4 Greatness...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Sarah Cooper
Each morning the school day starts with 20 minutes quality time in tutor groups during which students follow a programme of activities including careers guidance, PSHE and...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Key Stage 3 Leo 9 Maple – Leo had an excellent year last year, and was consistent in getting achievement points, high ATL scores and good attendance. Leo has an excellent...
Posted by Kashan Malik
The academic year started this week with all staff celebrating the school’s outstanding A level results and ‘best ever’ GCSE measures for 5+ A*- A grades, 5+ A*...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It is always inspiring to hear of how the teachers at Bushey Meads help students to achieve their true potential; this week I received the following email from a father of one of...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Bushey Meads School is a friendly and inclusive learning community where everyone has the right to study and work in a safe and secure environment, without harassment, intimidation or fear. We believe that to realise their potential and achieve their aspirations, people need to feel happy, confident and included in their environment.
What is bullying?
Behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally
Bullying can include: name-calling; taunting; mocking; making offensive comments; physical behaviour (e.g. kicking, hitting, pushing, etc.); taking belongings; inappropriate text messaging and emailing; sending offensive or degrading images by phone or via the internet/social media; producing offensive graffiti; gossiping; excluding people from groups; spreading hurtful and untruthful rumours; racist remarks.
What to do if you feel you or a friend are being bullied
Tell somebody about it. You can:
A mind to be kind
Bushey Meads School constantly and explicitly promotes relationships that focus students on learning behaviours and progress. Everyday our students celebrate their differences by living without harm, acting with kindness and showing respect for one another.
As a school community and as individuals we have ‘A mind to be kind’ following the three principles:
It is so inspiring to hear from students, and sometimes staff members, about the small, or on occasion big, Acts of Kindness they are participating in during these difficult...