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Going 4 Greatness Lessons

Going 4 Greatness Lessons

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Going 4 Greatness Lessons

One of the major new raising achievement initiatives started in recent years at BMS that has arguably had the most impact, has been the introduction of our Going 4 Greatness lessons for a significant number of Year 10 and 11 students.

Providing a high quality, structured opportunity to develop independent learning skills and support achievement across all subject areas, the lessons are facilitated by some of our top teachers.

Additional support in Maths, English and Science can also be provided at key times through the year within the lessons.

Pictured here Assistant Headteacher Mr Searle is launching the programme for 2018.19 with all the students in a special motivational assembly, reminding the students that these lessons really do have an impact and are just one more element in the vast array of initiatives at BMS that help our students get ahead and reach their potential.

He also reminded the students of the power of the revision clock – do ask your children to explain this proven research-based raising achievement strategy.

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