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Year 12 Work Shadowing 2018

Year 12 Work Shadowing 2018

Di Mcildowie
Di Mcildowie
Year 12 Work Shadowing 2018

At the end of term all of Year 12 took part in a week of work shadowing.

Megan had a fantastic week at Kingbee Animations at Elstree Studios.

Elias was based at Planned Engineering Services in Pinner.

Jack and Adnan were working within the Trust in the IT department updating the websites.

Mackenzie was based at Perry Rentals at Stanborough Motors and was given a variety of tasks which he tackled with enthusiasm; the employers have since expressed their interest in being involved in work shadowing/experience in the future.

Noor-Ul-Ann supported a group of Year 7 children with special educational needs at Garston Manor School for the week.

Tanya got to experience pharmaceutical work both behind the scenes and on the shop floor.

Zarmina spent the week as front of house/secretary for a local Solicitors and at the end of the week was offered paid employment during the summer break.

The feedback received from both the employers and the students was overwhelmingly positive.  One employer who had two of our students helping at her dance school for the week sent an email stating “the girls were amazing, I can’t thank you enough”.

Two students have been asked to extend their placements to assist with planned events/task set up for this week and for a couple of the students paid employment has been offered.

We have also received great parental response – see an example below:-

“I just wanted to write to say how grateful I am that you arranged for Jamie to carry out work experience at Astec this week. Henry Eldred went above and beyond expectations in every way to support Jamie throughout the week. Today he helped Jamie with updating his CV and provided him with a glowing reference to take away. I would like to pass on mine and Jamie’s thanks to you and Mr Eldred. Without a doubt it has been a valuable experience with the added benefit that it will help enhance Jamie’s personal statement for future applications for further study or work.”

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