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The Power of Google Meets!

The Power of Google Meets!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
The Power of Google Meets!

Across the Multi Academy Trust that we are part of the Headteachers and Senior Leaders have been working incredibly hard to ensure that all the well thought out and detailed plans in place for opening the three schools meet with the complex and evolving guidance and legislation from the government and Department for Education.

This planning has involved writing detailed risk assessments for each individual setting, devising and sharing clear protocols for all staff and students, as well as numerous adjustments and modifications to the physical environment to ensure the safety of all stakeholders whilst on the school site.
Last Thursday evening an extraordinary meeting for all Trustees and Governors across the MAT was called by the Chair of the Trust Sam Russell. At the start of the meeting (which took place on google meets), the three Headteachers outlined the plans that had been crafted over the last few weeks and answered key questions put to them from across our experienced Governing Bodies and Trust Board, reassuring them of the new way forward for this term as we welcome specific year groups safely back into our schools.
The meeting went really well and all Governors and Trustees thanked the senior leadership teams from across the three schools for their hard work.
The photo captures some of the 30+ Governors and Trustees who took part!

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