School Visit to Ypres, Belgium – Thursday 8th – Friday 9th October 2020 (current year 8s)

School Visit to Ypres, Belgium – Thursday 8th – Friday 9th October 2020 (current year 8s)

Nicola Paddick
Nicola Paddick
School Visit to Ypres, Belgium – Thursday...
The Modern Foreign Languages and History departments are organising an overnight visit to Belgium to visit the First World War trenches for Year 9 students (current year 8s ) who have been studying this topic this term. The aim is to help students to know and understand the significance of this global conflict as well as gain an opportunity to practise their French.
The date of the trip is 8th -9th October 2020. The cost is £211 which includes travel, insurance, and activities. Deposits must be paid by 28th February. Letters will be emailed to parents of all year 8s this week.

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