Student of the Week – Issue 51

Student of the Week – Issue 51

Kashan Malik
Kashan Malik
Student of the Week – Issue 51
Key Stage 3

Darius  7 Elm – Darius has made an excellent start to secondary school this year! Darius has excellent attendance, attitude to learning scores, over 500 achievement points and no consequence points.  Darius has also made some amazing contributions to the school community in his role as a BMS Buddy.  Darius has played an active role in assisting the Pastoral team with the Year 7 transition.  He is helpful, thoughtful and kind.  We are very proud that Darius is part of the BMS community!


Key Stage 4

Hafsah 10 Ash – Hafsah is a hard working, dedicated and consistent student.  She has excellent attendance, ATL scores and nearly 300 achievement points and no consequence points.  Hafash is a polite and respectful student who always give her best.  Well done for all your excellent achievements and all the best for the very important year ahead.

Key Stage 5

Ben 12 Beech – Benjamin is an exceptionally hard working student.  He is constantly striving to achieve greatness and has been working exceptionally hard leading up to his PPE’s.  Benjamin is a reading buddy to the lower years where he meets with the students, in the LRC during CDT.  Well done Benjamin, keep up the hard work!


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