You Said We Did!
Student voice is very strong and active at Bushey Meads and students’ ideas and opinions are always really valued as we all work together to improve our fabulous school. Besides...
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Student voice is very strong and active at Bushey Meads and students’ ideas and opinions are always really valued as we all work together to improve our fabulous school. Besides...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
The last meeting of the Debating Society this term saw the announcement of the winner of the election to become the new leader of the group. With a drum roll from those present,...
Posted by Roger Newbold
Willow House were privileged to have our inspiring Associate Leader Mr O’Kelly taking their House Assembly on Thursday of this week in the absence of their Head of House Mrs...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We reached the center at around 9 o’clock after a lengthy yet fun coach journey. When we arrived, we were taken to a classroom where we were split into four groups of seven....
Posted by Hilarie Charles
When we went to the Europa Centre, I found it very useful for my Spanish speaking skills and they really challenged our ability to speak in Spanish for a whole morning! I really...
Posted by Hilarie Charles
On Wednesday 3rd April, Year 12 MFL students accompanied by Miss Lago, took part in an inspiring visit to the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies at...
Posted by Hilarie Charles
Year 9 students spent part of enrichment day focused on one of our core values. This involved a lesson and then a creative writing activity. Mr Burnell’s class produced some...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Last Friday we were privileged to host an artist in residence at Bushey Meads who worked with a More Able group of 30 students who produced four stunning sculptures that have been...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It made for an inspiring start to the week to hear from three of our key leaders in the Learning Support Faculty at Bushey Meads School on Monday morning. We have a number of...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Student voice is very strong and active at Bushey Meads and students’ ideas and opinions are always really valued as we all work together to improve our fabulous school.
Besides raising matters through our very important Student Parliament, we have also recently introduced a student suggestion box on H Block corridor.If you have a good idea as to how we can improve the school you can compete a suggestion card and post it in the suggestion box. The box will be emptied every Friday after school by the Senior Student Leaders and all ideas looked at and considered for discussion at the next Student Parliament Meeting.
It’s another great way to get your voice heard!
The display board next to the suggestion box is entitled ‘You Said We Did’ and highlights all the great ideas that students have had to improve the school that have been acted upon and implemented in recent years.
On Monday 14th October, Assistant Headteacher of Prospect School, Mr Gerrard, accompanied by six of his student leaders, travelled all the way from Reading, to learn all about how...
Maintaining an interest in Geography, History and R.E. amongst students has always been a priority for the Humanities faculty, especially for the new student Humanities’ leader...