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Year 11 Sixth Form Taster Day

Year 11 Sixth Form Taster Day

Gabriela Zhelyazkova
Gabriela Zhelyazkova
Year 11 Sixth Form Taster Day
Last Friday saw an amazing event in our outstanding Sixth Form, as we were able to host our current Year 11 students and give them a flavour of life in the Sixth Form at BMS and experience the vast range of exciting and engaging courses we are able to offer. BMS has set the curriculum ‘opportunity bar’ outstandingly high, as we currently offer 35 Level 3 courses including full A Levels, CTEC and BTEC qualifications plus the Extended Project Qualification – the EPQ. With this unique range of opportunity and choice in our Sixth Form we were keen to invite our Year 11 students into both our outstanding Sixth Form Centre and gain a taste of the wide variety of Sixth Form subjects in which our students can thrive.
Year 11 students were greeted with a welcome breakfast of pastries and hot drinks as they found their personalised Sixth Form timetables for the day. Students impressed staff with their energy and enthusiasm in the Sixth Form Centre, with our excellent facilities including access to Chromebooks, supervised study areas and of course the excellent Sixth Form Cafe!
BMS provided a buffet style lunch in the Cafe and students enjoyed relaxing in the Sixth Form area and discussing their experiences and option choice opportunities with staff and each other. It was a very positive and engaging day. Mr O’Kelly, Mr Monks and Mrs Timotheou were delighted to have the opportunity to see the wide range of challenging and diverse lessons that Sixth Form Departments and Subject teachers had put on for Year 11 students. They were interesting and engaging, giving an excellent introduction to the full range of subjects we offer, but also the very different experience offered in the Sixth Form at BMS, with its emphasis on developing self motivation, challenge, opportunity and independent learning skills of all our students.
Students, staff and the Sixth Form Team thoroughly enjoyed the Taster day and look forward to students making their option choices and submitting their applications by January 2022. After that we will interview all Year 11s to support them in this next key step in their continuing learning journey. I’d like to thank all BMS teaching staff for their excellent and high standard Taster Day lessons, and associate staff for helping make everything run so smoothly, but most of all our Year 11 students for their positive attitude and engagement with this superb Taster Day opportunity.

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