Student of the week
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...
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We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...
Posted by Helen Blowers
The arts faculty have been recently brainstorming ideas on how to improve the drama and theatre department at Bushey Meads School. Our aim was to introduce a variety of...
Posted by Greg Knowles
Marking and Feedback is high on the staff agenda as it is such a vital factor in student progress. Over the last couple of years, our staff have really worked hard to find...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
This week in Bushey Meads the SEND department has been focusing on Texthelp Read and Write and how staff can support students’ use of it effectively in the classroom. What is...
Posted by Emma Denton
This term has been jam packed with lots of practical work and I have had the pleasure of teaching 07S/Ty3 for the textiles and food and nutrition projects so far, and boy oh boy...
Posted by Niralee Pattni
It was inspiring to join a number of assemblies this week led by members of our dedicated Pastoral Leaders at BMS. With the Theme of the Week being Teamwork it was good to be...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
The Hertfordshire County Council’s new youth schemes are starting on the 10th January and as an added bonus, they are FREE! Extra curricular clubs, outside of school, are an...
Posted by Helen Blowers
Year 10 Sports Studies Outdoor Education Trips – Velopark As part of the assessment of the Outdoor activities unit, the Year 10 Sports Studies group visited the Lee Valley...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
On Friday 19th November the art department had a visit from a local multidisciplinary artist, AD Dada. AD is a previous student of Miss Cole’s from Westfield Academy and is...
Posted by Sam Cole
Each Wednesday, the Learning Support Faculty hold their staff briefing between 08:25 – 08:40. This provides an opportunity to share important information and ensure everyone...
Posted by Graeme Searle
The arts faculty have been recently brainstorming ideas on how to improve the drama and theatre department at Bushey Meads School. Our aim was to introduce a variety of educational yet enjoyable topics integrated into each term for mainly the Key Stage 3 students ( years 7,8 and 9 ). We are revamping KS3 drama lessons with the help and training of David Didau, the Senior Lead Practitioner for English at Ormiston Academies Trust.
We met to discuss the current KS3 curriculum to see which units didn’t meet the needs of students today. The main ideology was to begin linking certain KS3 topics to perhaps more advanced levels, such as Key Stage 4 and GCSE level drama. Our next steps would be to research a multitude of different plays to slowly implement into each curriculum. Our targets would be to introduce more varied, diverse plays in order to educate students on culture and ethnicity in their early years.
Following on from this, the student leaders in the arts have currently been engaging very positively with drama and theatre here at school. As a current Year 12 student, I have personally engaged in ‘Kindness Matters’ – a weekly volunteering session in any KS3 or KS4 lesson of your choice. As well as this, our team of technicians have been working hard to help run a multitude of performance events, and our year 12 drama leaders, Gabriella di Gregorio, Sophie Duffey and Aryan Faraboushehri worked as front of house staff for our recent MA event. With the help of these amazing leaders, we are enthusiastic to introduce new and exciting topics into the KS3 drama curriculum at Bushey Meads School.
Article written by Simran Sharma Year 12 Arts faculty student leader.
Wow!!…..What a term it has been. Whilst many schools ar winding down towards the end of the year, students and staff in the arts faculty here at BMS have been working...
This week we wish to celebrate the amazing and positive response of our Year 13 students who all took part in our Year 13 Interview Day organised by our Work Related Learning...