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The next steps for Sixth Formers …

The next steps for Sixth Formers …

Gabriela Zhelyazkova
Gabriela Zhelyazkova
The next steps for Sixth Formers …

Bushey Meads to Oxbridge

This year, year 13’s ambition and motivation stood out as the year with the most Oxbridge applications so far in BMS history! The sixth form common rooms were filled with excitement as the students were preparing for submitting their applications before the deadline on Friday. It wasn’t long ago when we were in year 11 and had the exciting opportunity to visit Oxford University. Upon arrival, we were greeted at the Balliol campus by a third-year student. He gave us so much helpful advice on how to get into Oxbridge as well as a wonderful tour of the College, inspiring the students into what their secondary school to university journey could be like and this week certainly is a step in the right direction.

After talking to a few of my peers, Csenge Szabo (13 Ash) talked with great joy about the next steps “I’m really looking forward to going to uni, the application process has really catapulted me into thinking about what I want to do in the future and my next steps, but most importantly I’m excited to go meet new people and study what I enjoy doing the most which is English, and hopefully that will lead me down a very open path where I can do whatever I want in the future.” Lily Adams (13 Beech) was also extremely excited about the process – ” I have been preparing for this application for months now, I am nearly finished I just need to re-read it and I’m ready to press send. I’m apprehensive but excited. The late nights did pay off.”

Lily also gave me advice that is useful for those of us who aren’t applying for Oxbridge but to other universities. Connecting with people who are going to your desired university or even doing the course you are interested in through websites such as the Student Room, really will aid in your knowledge about what to expect of the application process and will benefit you with knowledge from someone who has already gone through it. This was very useful advice which I will take in the following weeks.

Good Luck to all the year 13’s on their university applications!

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