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Y12 Harefield Hospital Trip

Y12 Harefield Hospital Trip

William Thornton
William Thornton
Y12 Harefield Hospital Trip

On Wednesday 13th October, a group of year 12 Biologists and Chemists had the privilege to listen to a wide variety of Heart surgeons talk about the medical treatment of heart disease and how they can be prevented.

For the morning on wednesday, we had a virtual talk from Harefield Hospital, which was an engaging and informative experience for them. This opportunity has allowed them to gain an intricate understanding of the Heart and how we can treat heart disease.

The day had several different talks throughout the day- including topics like “giving emergency CPR” and “The treatment of Heart disease”. Each talk was an engaging experience and every student enjoyed the experience

Emily Allen and Molly Tate in year 12 stated that “The statistic of 60,000 heart attacks a day was shocking and highlights the importance of everyone knowing CPR”. All students found the information useful and all students had their understanding enriched.

This trip also gave the students a voice and all students have highlighted BMS’ effective approach to student safety and also made suggestions to further develop the approach by BMS to heart safety.

This virtual trip was a success and it was a pleasure seeing all 20 students engaged and asking questions to the experts on the trip. This is one of the first steps these students are taking into a possible career into medicine or healthcare.

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