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Dynamic Design and Technology Lesson

Dynamic Design and Technology Lesson

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Dynamic Design and Technology Lesson

It was a privilege to Ms Amao’s Year 8 group on Tuesday this week and see how much they had developed their key skills in technology this term.

After carefully practising their skills of measuring accurately, sawing and chiselling on prototype designs, they started to create their real money boxes in the lesson on Tuesday morning.

They were completely engrossed in their work and hardly noticed the time pass, achieving much by the end of the lesson.

The pictures and short videos show their excellent engagement and the clear progress they were making. I was particularly impressed with the strong and positive relationships that existed across the classroom and the desire to achieve shown by all. Ms Amao has certainly taught them well this term, well supported by their Learning Assistant Mrs Bickler.

It was great to see – well done Year 8s!

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