Y10 Moments Circus

Y10 Moments Circus

Y10 Moments Circus

Year 10 undertook a Moments Circus. Students were presented with 6 stations, each giving an example of an object that demonstrates moments in action. They had a few minutes at each station to investigate the object and attempt to understand how moments make them work. Remember: a moment is the turning effect of a force.









Clearly it was easier with the spanner. But why?





This station was led by the teacher and the group split into two: half outside the room and half inside. One student from each group was invited to push with one finger on the door: one at the side close to the hinge and the other close to the handle. The one closer to the handle easily dominated the motion of the door. But why? Students were encouraged to identify the location of the pivot, the effort and the load. Each was able to deduce that the key was the distance of the effort from the hinge.








Nearly impossible with just fingers, but oh so easy with the screwdriver. But why?









Scissors: we all use them, but do we think about how they provide us with such a mechanical advantage?

Students were encouraged to think about the pivot, effort and load. And it was much easier with the load close to the hand. But why?









We couldn’t provide a safe (much less filled with gold!) but a heavy iron block was just as good. Easy to lift with the hammer as a leaver. Much harder to lift the weight by hand. But why?

And then to conclude the class discussed their experiences of each station and how moments made each one work. Then we learnt the formula for moments.





Ready to use in the next lesson…

Alex Newton

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