Wellbeing Week

In the fast pace of everyday life, we are attempting to address our wellbeing in the workplace. Recently we encouraged staff to pop into the staff room at lunchtime in order to socialise with colleagues and indulge in some therapeutic activities.  Some of our own staff offered sessions on Mindfulness, Tapping, Indian Head Massage and Laughter therapy!

Staff enjoying Indian Head Massage from our very our Mrs Hayward and Mrs Hoskins

A special thank you to Mrs Mateides for making the staff room look beautiful and facilitating the week long programme. A very special thank you to our chef and the catering team for providing us with very tasty treats.

Staff trying the art of tapping or EFT delivered by Mrs Mateides

Staff enjoying the ploughman’s spread!

Magazines and mindfulness – delivered by Mr Donovan

Finally I would like to thank the following staff for giving up their time in order to spread a little happiness among our hard working staff. James Donovan, Kate Hoskins, Claire Hayward, Lee Cox and Helen Mateides.
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