Book Amnesty!
For the next two week the LRC is running a big Book Amnesty. Did you know that we have over 270 books that are over 900 days overdue from the library? That’s approximately...
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For the next two week the LRC is running a big Book Amnesty. Did you know that we have over 270 books that are over 900 days overdue from the library? That’s approximately...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Last week saw (and heard!) the first DEAR event of this academic year. Firmly established as an important part of practice here at Bushey Meads, DEAR events (Drop Everything And...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
The importance of reading quality materials on a regular basis is key to success not only in school examinations but the wider world. Being able to understand and use a wide range...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
It was brilliant to hear one of the student class-readers helping to engage his peers (and indeed CDC Miss Dunsby and Learning Assistant Mrs Malik) in Friday morning’s CDC session...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It is always inspiring to walk around Bushey Meads School during Friday morning’s Character Development Time and visit CDC groups reading together; the whole school silent apart...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We are delighted to welcome Ms Turton our new Learning Resource Centre Manager to Bushey Meads School and are really pleased with the impact she has had already. Building on the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
After the success of our CDC time reading project for years 7 and 9 in the summer term, all year 7,8 9 and 10 CDCs met this week for the launch of our newly expanded scheme. Each...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Hello, my name is Teresa Turton and I had the privilege of taking over last week as the new LRC manager. Much as I was very excited about working in such a buzzing, successful...
Posted by Teresa Turton
‘Lord of the Flies’ (1954) by William Golding A plane crashes on an uninhabited island and the only survivors, a group of schoolboys, assemble on the beach and wait to be rescued....