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Book Amnesty!

Book Amnesty!

Danielle Bowe
Danielle Bowe
Book Amnesty!
For the next two week the LRC is running a big Book Amnesty.
Did you know that we have over 270 books that are over 900 days overdue from the library? That’s approximately £2,000 worth of fantastic reading opportunities missing!
Do you have a lonely library book lurking in a bedroom or bag somewhere?!  
Don’t worry- just return it to one of the amnesty boxes you will see around school in the LRC, sixth form, pastoral, reception and the restaurant.

And while you’re at it, why not make a recommendation in our book wish box. Mrs Turton, our fantastic new LRC manager, is committed to getting the books you want to read- that includes non-fiction.
Happy reading!
Bushey Meads is a Reading School

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