Visit of Will Smith to Bushey Meads School

Visit of Will Smith to Bushey Meads School

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Visit of Will Smith to Bushey Meads School

On Wednesday of this week it was a real privilege to welcome the CEO of the Greenshaw Learning Trust, founder of By Leaders for Leaders and ex Leader of Partners in Excellence (PiXL) to Bushey Meads School and the Bushey St James Trust.

As a school we have partnered with Will and benefitted from much mutual support and leadership development over many years. He has followed the school and Trust’s journey of improvement over the last 7 years and was therefore delighted to be able to meet so many exceptional staff and students across all curriculum areas of the school.

He was particularly inspired by our talented student artists and their brilliant exhibits in the BSJT Gallery, the large numbers of A level Design and Technology students, the superb Music Technology facilities, the outstanding Sixth Form, our amazing Student Leaders and the real impact our Student Parliament are having in helping to shape the future of our school.

At the end of the day Will gave an inspiring keynote speech to 50 senior and middle leaders in our Main Conference Hall – all about leadership and the impact we can all have in continuing the improvement journey at BMS. It was a key moment in time for us to reflect on and celebrate our wonderful school and look towards an exciting future ahead.

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