A Glance into History
This term, across Key Stage 3, students have taken an interactive approach in studying the impact of significant events in British history. Year 7’s have been studying the...
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This term, across Key Stage 3, students have taken an interactive approach in studying the impact of significant events in British history. Year 7’s have been studying the...
Posted by Richard Dowty
From Wednesday the 23rd to Tuesday the 29th of October 2019, there was a History and RE trip to Berlin and Krakow. It was organised and run by Mr Lyley, Mr Malik and Mrs Paddick....
Posted by Adam Lyley
Last week, I was delighted to take four of our students on one of the First World War Centenary Battlefields trips organised and led by the UCL Institute of Education. As with...
Posted by Roger Newbold
Head of History Mr Lyley and six superb students leaders led our Main School Assemblies this week focussed on the theme of Remembrance. They encouraged us to think and reflect on...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
7fHi.1 are studying different types of community in medieval times in their History lessons. One community was the “tithing” which was responsible for bringing its...
Posted by Roger Newbold
The So Last Era group went on a memorable trip on Wednesday 10th of July. We met at Bushey Station and headed towards Central London by train. The first event was the London Tour...
Posted by Adam Lyley
It was great to join Mr Dowty’s Year 8 History lesson on Thursday of this week as the students explored what life was like for black americans after slavery – a hugely...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Thursday 14th March, a portion of Year 9 students were given the opportunity to visit the Imperial War Museum in London, and see the exhibits on the Holocaust and World War 1....
Posted by Adam Lyley
They say that we can learn from the past to shape a better future so it is always good to visit history lessons at BMS and see students so interested and engaged. In Mr Dowty’s A...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Over the last few weeks, the ‘So Last Era’ group have been making a display to go up in H Corridor. The display was about people who fought in the First World War from a minority...
Posted by Adam Lyley
This term, across Key Stage 3, students have taken an interactive approach in studying the impact of significant events in British history. Year 7’s have been studying the Battle of Hastings by examining the famous Bayeux Tapestry and identifying the key scenes affecting the outcome of the battle.
Year 8’s have been completing a project on the English Civil War, where they have been creating board games with the aim to teach others about the key people and events leading up to the war. Finally, year 9 students have been creating ‘trench guides’, leading them to discover the daily routine and struggles of an ordinary British soldier. Students have enjoyed researching these events and producing material to show off their learning.
This week we welcomed Raisa Murtaza and Charlotte Boswell to Bushey Meads School to talk to Sixth Formers. Raisa is a Solicitor specialising in clinical negligence for the NHS...
Year 12 and 13 Politics students have been astounded, intrigued and exhausted by the continued rollercoaster ride provided as the extraordinary BREXIT events have unraveled this...