Exciting Enrichment Activities for Year 8s last Friday

Exciting Enrichment Activities for Year 8s last Friday

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Exciting Enrichment Activities for Year 8s...

It was inspiring to see how positively the day started last Friday when I visited our maths and design and technology classrooms at the start of our first enrichment day of the year for 2022. All students were engaged and excited to be involved in a whole range of mathematical and technological related activities linked to space travel, designing their spacecraft and actually building a fully working Mars Rover.

In maths complicated calculations were ensuring all the components of the spacecraft had been well thought out in proportion and in design and technology students were hard at work taking part in a whole variety of practical activities to build a fully working land craft with engine, subframe and identifiable flags.

From the energy and enthusiasm in the rooms it was clearly going to be an action packed and fun enrichment day for all. Teamwork was also going to be key, which reminded me of the importance of these key days which take place throughout the year and how well they encourage many of those softer skills that truly enrich our curriculum at Bushey Meads and develop resilience in learning and skills related to thinking out of the box.

Well done to all staff and students involved!

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