Year 11 Present Themselves and Debate on Enrichment Day

Year 11 Present Themselves and Debate on Enrichment Day

Stephanie Knowles
Stephanie Knowles
Year 11 Present Themselves and Debate on...

On Friday 30th September, Year 11 enjoyed their first enrichment day of the year.

The first part of the day was all about next stages – leading to the writing of their CVs. After that the students joined the English Faculty.

Some students recorded their presentations for their Spoken Language Grades. The topics was varied; ranging from banning school uniform, to life beyond Earth, to the gender gap in football pay. I was lucky to have the opportunity to see James in 11 Elm prepare for his big moment discussing – why trains are the best mode of transport!

Whilst some students performed in front of the camera, others were studying the famous murder case of Oscar Pistorius. This led to a piece of non-fiction writing – Did fame and celebrity corrupt Pistorius? This generated much lively debate regarding whether Pistorius was a cold blooded killer and even whether the family of his victim ever really received justice.

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