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March Enrichment Day

March Enrichment Day

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
March Enrichment Day

The latest Enrichment Day at Bushey Meads definitely delivered; so many superb sessions run by our hard working and creative staff, as well as a number of talented visiting practitioners enriched our students’ curriculum experiences by offering a range of fantastic sessions that engaged them all day.

There was a real buzz around the school as Year 7s enjoyed an Arts based day, Year 8s enjoyed our hugely popular annual ‘Africa Day’, Year 9s participated in a really well crafted Sport and Science Day, Year 10 students had the chance to enrich their learning across a host of Humanities and Social Science-based sessions and Year 11s made great progress with their English and Maths GSCEs.

Our Sixth Form students enjoyed maximising their independent study opportunities and also honed their achievements on our now embedded Extended Project Qualification course offered at Post 16, with some additional students developing really important skills related to Team Building and also Sign Language.

It was a great day in school and a huge thank you goes to Associate Leader Mr O’Kelly for overseeing the whole day and to all the hardworking and dedicated staff involved in making it such a success.

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