DEAR Event at BMS
On Monday morning, just before breaktime, our school fell silent and we all participated in a Drop Everything and Read or DEAR event across all lessons and office spaces in the...
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On Monday morning, just before breaktime, our school fell silent and we all participated in a Drop Everything and Read or DEAR event across all lessons and office spaces in the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Our first fiction D.E.A.R event took place Monday 7th December with both students and staff engaging in 20 minutes of reading. This designated reading session reminds us all of...
Posted by Claire Till
This week we held our first non-fiction D.E.A.R event. Non-fiction texts being seen as those about existing things and as informative. Described in a TED talk as ‘healing...
Posted by Claire Till
Ensuring our high profile focus on the importance of inculcating excellence habits of reading in all our students continued this week with our first DEAR (Drop Everything and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Wednesday, Bushey Meads had another one of our regular DropEverythingAndRead events. This is where at an agreed time everyone drops what they are doing and picks up their books...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Last week saw (and heard!) the first DEAR event of this academic year. Firmly established as an important part of practice here at Bushey Meads, DEAR events (Drop Everything And...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
During today’s 4th Drop Everything And Read event, the whole school had a wider reading non-fiction focus. My year 12 A level English Language and Literature class are studying...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
This year the Reading Agenda at BMS has gathered speed. The reason being, is that we believe literacy underpins success in every element of education. For example, the recent...
Posted by Graeme Searle
n line with our current drive to encourage all students to read for pleasure, widen their vocabulary and develop their literacy skills, on Wednesday of this week we held our first...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to start the week with a Monday Magic Moment from Lead Practitioner for English and Whole School Literacy Ms Bowe, encouraging us all to promote our own personal love...
It was a very positive start to the week at BMS to listen to a presentation from two of our superb Advanced Lead Teachers at the school Miss Pattni and Mr Symeou. They were...