Year 9 3D design
Last term, the Year 9 Technology groups have been learning and practising 3D design woodworking skills. This involved learning to use woodworking tools safely, as well as using...
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Last term, the Year 9 Technology groups have been learning and practising 3D design woodworking skills. This involved learning to use woodworking tools safely, as well as using...
Posted by Fiona Amao
In year 7 we have been learning about the Eatwell guide and how to incorporate this into our diet. The Eatwell Guide shows the proportions of the main food groups that form a...
Posted by Charlotte Hewitt
Over the last couple of weeks, Year 8 and 9 students were invited to come along to the after school Thursday sewing workshop, to learn how to make their own tote bag. Students...
Posted by Niralee Pattni
The many talented students in D&T, who work hard, commit fully to their studies and always strive to produce their best work, are being celebrated in this week’s...
Posted by David Chalkley
Round 2 of the VEX Robotics competition took place at Queen Elizabeth’s School in Barnet on Saturday 29th January. Bushey Meads was represented by two teams; Spectrum and...
Posted by David Chalkley
This week’s STEM club focuses on ‘Girls in Engineering’. We are very lucky to have such talented female students at Bushey Meads School and none more so than;...
Posted by David Chalkley
Year 8 are working on their sensory activity mat project. Students have chosen a target market that their activity mat will be aimed at and are now beginning to design their mats...
Posted by Charlotte Hewitt
This term has been jam packed with lots of practical work and I have had the pleasure of teaching 07S/Ty3 for the textiles and food and nutrition projects so far, and boy oh boy...
Posted by Niralee Pattni
The Year 9 cohort have been so lucky this term gaining experience in every specialism of technology. In food the students have been taking a culinary trip around the world making...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
A new and exciting STEM competition kicked off on Saturday morning at a school in North London. Vex Robotics is an engineering and coding competition, where teams of students...
Posted by David Chalkley
Last term, the Year 9 Technology groups have been learning and practising 3D design woodworking skills. This involved learning to use woodworking tools safely, as well as using CAD programs as a design tool.
Below is Krisha Ravishanger’s account:
When I first started doing 3D tech,as a class my class had to learn the different types of tools used when making something out of wood.As we went through the basics,it allowed me and the whole class learn some new techniques on how to shape the wood and how to make something more easier and quicker.
We learned how to draw 3D shapes on isometric paper and it was a fun lesson as we tried to draw weird shapes on it and I really enjoyed it. We also used CAD programs to design the boxes.
Before we were able to do the practical work, we had to make a plan on what we were going to do each lesson till the end of 3D design tech so that we would have a guide on what to do next if we were stuck.As part of the practical,we were given two pieces of wood, which we had to measure and cut to size using a tenon saw. Then I had to measure and cut out box joints.
It took some time to make the box because we had to wait for the PVA glue to dry to have a sturdy box and then wait another lesson to apply wood filler.The whole process was really fun and we had a lot of fun learning how to use different tools.
Overall, I would say that 3D technology lessons have made me more interested in the subject as a GCSE option and I learnt a lot of new skills.
It was a real pleasure to see the year 10 3D design class working so hard on a Friday afternoon. This half term they are focusing on improving the quality of their practical work...
This half term our Year 10 textiles students have harnessed their creative prowess to design and print their own fabric, transforming it into stunning quilted toiletry bags. Eager...