A Level Design & Technology
The new A Level D&T students have started the course by developing their knowledge and understanding of mechanisms and materials. In their first project, they are challenged...
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The new A Level D&T students have started the course by developing their knowledge and understanding of mechanisms and materials. In their first project, they are challenged...
Posted by David Chalkley
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...
Posted by Helen Blowers
The Head of House for Ash – Mr Tenga – presented a great assembly to students from Years 7 to 13 earlier this term on the theme of ‘Responsibility’. It was...
Posted by Graeme Searle
As we settle back into the new academic year we would like to remind all students of our uniform expectations so that we can avoid any misunderstandings about what is and is not...
Posted by Chantal Smith
A buzz of activity resonated from the classrooms of Humanities and Social Sciences on Thursday last week during Open Evening. The Geography department offered you the chance to...
Posted by Sandra Kinghorn
Whilst helping Mr Monks in last week’s open evening, we had the opportunity to show our visitors a few examples of what we are currently studying in A Level Government and...
Posted by Giles Monks
The PE and Health Faculty at Bushey Meads School is the only PE faculty I know of in a secondary school with the ‘and health’ words attached. This accurately reflects...
Posted by Graeme Searle
Andrea Tamang 12Maple An excellent student, Andrea is working extremely hard with all her studies. She is always willing to help out with school events and goes the extra mile,...
Posted by Des Timotheou
We are extremely fortunate to have Lead Practitioner for English and Whole School Literacy Ms Bowe overseeing our excellent literacy and reading programmes at BMS which underpin...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
The sun was definitely shining over Bushey Meads earlier this week and all students were making an exemplary start to the day. It has been very pleasing to see all students arrive...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
The new A Level D&T students have started the course by developing their knowledge and understanding of mechanisms and materials. In their first project, they are challenged with designing and making an AUTOMATA.
An automata is a playful way to explore simple machine elements such as cams, levers, and linkages, while creating mechanical sculpture. They’ve been around for hundreds of years, with stories about automatons all the way back in Greek mythology!
The students are encouraged to design, model, improve and make – called the iterative design process – to help develop skills for their project work in year 13. The two examples included below, show Stan and Joe’s automata models, impressive stuff!
My year 7 class have been doing the food and nutrition project and have been working really well to develop their practical skills. They have been learning about the bridge and...
In Design and Technology last week all students were really engaged in their classes, enjoying getting involved in the practical aspects of the subject and backing this up with...