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Yr 7 designers & chefs in the making!

Yr 7 designers & chefs in the making!

Niralee Pattni
Niralee Pattni
Yr 7 designers & chefs in the making!

This term has been jam packed with lots of practical work and I have had the pleasure of teaching 07S/Ty3 for the textiles and food and nutrition projects so far, and boy oh boy have they impressed!

As part of the textiles project students had to investigate materials, carefully consider who their client was, what they would like and then create a device case for them. The best bit was seeing all the designs come to life. Students created their very own fabrics by upcycling carrier bags using specialist equipment to bond them into place. The colourful fabric was then transformed into pouches some of which featured characters, favourite fruits and football emblems.

Since returning after half term, the class have been learning about the eatwell guide, enzymic browning and have been learning and practising knife skills to produce some wonderful fruit salads! Next week we’ll be making a cous cous salad to experiment with flavour combinations and we’ll be finishing off the term with an all round favourite, a pizza style grilled snack.

And if that wasn’t enough, some students have come along over to textiles to make their very own Christmas decorations this week too! There’ll be two more sessions for textiles club after school on Monday’s in C12 if you’d like to come along from 3.05 – 4.05.

Judging by what the class has shown me so far, we have some fantastic designers and culinary experts in the making and I look forward to seeing them progress through the rest of our projects! Well done Year 7, keep up the good work!

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