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Year 9 Technology Options

Year 9 Technology Options

Alison Hanbury
Alison Hanbury
Year 9 Technology Options

The Year 9 cohort have been so lucky this term gaining experience in every specialism of technology.

In food the students have been taking a culinary trip around the world making fresh pasta and serving it with a ragu. They have visited Mexico by marinating chicken in chilli, garlic, coriander and lime juice to make delicious fajitas and finally returning home to the UK to make some traditional British fruit pies.

In the textiles rotation students have been investigating different types of printing techniques and using photoshop to create some fantastic repeat patterns. The brief was to design and make a bow tie for a summer collection to be sold in Topshop/Topman.

The collection will be eye-catching and vibrant, with printed fabric inspired by the theme of tropical nature.

In the electronics rotation, the students got to investigate how to make a printed circuit board. The PCB layout for a 555 monostable circuit would then be used to make a fitness timer to use at the gym or a food timer for the kitchen.

The students in 3D design have enjoyed exploring how different wood joints work and using the 2D design software to draw a tangram puzzle. The students then had the opportunity to create their puzzle in wood and polystyrene.

The computer science/ IT students have been creating a Bushey Meads mobile app to enable them to review life at Bushey Meads School. In order to do this, the students have been learning the intricate world of social media apps and mobile app design.

I think you all agree, the results look fabulous.

Now year 9 have a choice to make. Which two of these exciting technology specialisms would they like to study for the next 2 terms? Watch out for a google form from Mr Chalkley in the next week. The sooner you get your choices in, the more likely you will get your first 2 choices.

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