BSJT Teacher Toolkit
Following the success of the recent Bushey St James Trust annual conference held at the end of October, on Wednesday of this week all three schools in the Multi Academy Trust...
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Following the success of the recent Bushey St James Trust annual conference held at the end of October, on Wednesday of this week all three schools in the Multi Academy Trust...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Tuesday morning of this week we were delighted to welcome Hero Slinn, Hertfordshire’s Director for Inclusion and Skills to our wonderful learning community. Hero oversees...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
One of the highlights of my week this week was to visit our rapidly developing outdoor education provision led by Mr Smith on Monday morning. It was great to catch up once again...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
In this final half term in Year 9 the dance students have been exploring a new unit exploring, Musicals. Each week the students take part in a professional style workshop where...
Posted by Eliz Noyan
Last week, Year 6 came up to Bushey Meads to learn about WW2 and rationing. Students who hadn’t been on the school residential trip had been in school completing a range of...
Posted by Charlotte Hewitt
During science week, Little Reddings school visited Bushey Meads School to watch a pluck dissection and learn about the Heart, Lungs and Liver. This was fantastically supported by...
Posted by William Thornton
Back in December, we saw Year 6 students from Hartsbourne Primary School visiting BMS for a trampoline session with Mr Harris. Fast forward to this week and we also saw Year 6...
Posted by Jonathan Harris
On Wednesday afternoon 60 students from Little Reddings yr6 group came to view their artwork in the Bushey Meads Gallery. The students have been learning about different artists...
Posted by Sam Cole
The arts faculty have been recently brainstorming ideas on how to improve the drama and theatre department at Bushey Meads School. Our aim was to introduce a variety of...
Posted by Greg Knowles
It was a wonderful experience to play jazz for KS2 of Little Reddings Primary School since educating young people about jazz culture is extremely important and still has many...
Posted by Greg Knowles
On Monday 5th November 2018, BMS hosted the Bushey St James Trust Staff Conference on ‘Establishing a Culture of Stretch and Challenge’. As the reformed GCSE, A-Level and...
Every Friday afternoon Bushey Meads Language Leaders go down to Little Reddings in groups of four to support a Year 5 French class. We have a rota so that every language leader is...