A-level Trip to JR Chronicles at The Saatchi Gallery
Back in October A-level Art, Graphics and Photography students were invited to attend the JR: Chronicles exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery in London. This was the largest solo...
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Back in October A-level Art, Graphics and Photography students were invited to attend the JR: Chronicles exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery in London. This was the largest solo...
Posted by Aya Speker
On Thursday 2nd December, the Student Parliament came together for the second meeting this year. Last time, we saw all the CDC reps contributing and really engaging in the...
Posted by James Burley
Thank you to all students and staff who attended the Charity Movie Night on Thursday 18th November. The event was attended by over 160 students from years 7,8, 9 and 10 and was...
Posted by Aya Speker
Last week, we took 15 students to see Akram Khan’s solo performance of ‘Xenos’ at Sadlers wells. Shifting between kathak and contemporary dance, Khan conjures the shell-shocked...
Posted by Lauren Dolan
HERTS COUNTY FOOTBALL On Saturday 4th October Lucas G from Year 10 made his debut for the Hertfordshire County Under 15 football team in a match v Suffolk County. Lucas attended 4...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Last week, our Year 7 CDCs were lucky enough to take part in Life Skills for Resilience workshops delivered by Flip Theatre. This was made possible because of a grant awarded to...
Posted by Michelle Penny
In preparation for their first practical in Food Technology, Year 7 students carried out experiments to solve the problem of enzymatic browning in fruits. Pieces of apple were put...
Posted by Fiona Amao
Between January and March 2021, 8 students from Bushey Meads School joined their English teacher, Mr Carter, and Dr Ian Cushing from Brunel University London in conducting...
Posted by Anthony Carter
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...
Posted by Helen Blowers
On Thursday 1st December our Y13 students were provided with the opportunity of a mock interview in order to prepare themselves for either the world of work or higher education....
Posted by Di Mcildowie
On Thursday 2nd December, the Student Parliament came together for the second meeting this year.
Last time, we saw all the CDC reps contributing and really engaging in the discussion, and that same spirit was evident as students worked together to give their feedback from discussions in their Character Development Groups, as well as suggest potential counters and solutions.
The agenda was as follows, with the overarching theme being ‘Independent Learning/Study’
With the number of enthusiastic students, all eager to make the voices of their respective CDC groups heard, some time was taken for the CDC representatives to discuss each issue raised within their year groups. Each year group was able to initiate and dictate a productive conversation, narrowing down and prioritising specific areas they wished to talk about. This was then fed back to everyone else.
In KS3, the topic of discussion was mainly centred around the level of homework issued. It opened the floor to a long-lasting debate, at the end of which we saw the older students giving words of advice and encouragement on work ethic and time management to the younger years.
The Year 10s and Year 11s made equally excellent contributions, with both years focusing on how they could further their independent revision and productivity inside school.
Finally, the meeting rounded off with the sixth formers expressing their highest priority issues, ending another constructive and positive gathering of the Student Parliament.
It was fantastic to see and hear the wonderful discussions taking place – well done to all the students that attended.
Thank you to Mr Burley and our head students, Bhuvan and Isabel, for facilitating the meeting, as well as the rest of the senior student leadership team.
Written by
Andrea Tamang 12M,
Deputy Head Student
The first Student Parliament meeting of the academic year was held on Monday and was the first opportunity to gather all the Character Development Representatives together to...
Maintaining an interest in Geography, History and R.E. amongst students has always been a priority for the Humanities faculty, especially for the new student Humanities’ leader...