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Student of the Week

We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated students and we are very grateful for the opportunity to recognise just a few of these each week.

Congratulations to the following students, who have been awarded this weeks student of the week:

7M – Hannah Gascoigne – For paying particular attention to her home learning. Hannah always hands in her homework on time and makes her best effort. She recently took an active part in the Flip Theatre workshops and was fully engaged in all the activities.

8M – Retaj Mohammed Neel – For consistent good work in lessons as well as great contribution to class and exemplary behaviour.

9A – Ibiye Harry-Brown – Consistent hard work and commitment to the ‘It’s All About Attitude’ programme throughout this term.

10B – Chelsie Smith – Chelsie has made fantastic progress this year and has an amazing achievement record. Chelsie has tried particularly hard in both English and Childcare this term.

11E – Ayyan Chaudhry Shamas – Ayyan has an excellent attitude to learning. Many of his teachers remark on his outstanding behaviour during lessons and during his lunch and break times. He is a diligent and thoughtful student.

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