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Ready For A Reading Challenge?

Ready For A Reading Challenge?

Danielle Bowe
Danielle Bowe
Ready For A Reading Challenge?

There is no doubt, welcome or otherwise, we are finding ourselves with more time on our hands- so many people are taking up new interests. We are also very conscious that our students are trying to keep busy and their minds stimulated, ready for the academic challenges of when we return to school. That’s why we’re sharing a reading challenge with YOU!

This was first presented by the English Faculty in the ‘Becoming An Expert’ resource launched by Mrs Wright at the start of this academic year- it was originally aimed at KS4 and 5, but anyone can get involved.

In it, we identified twelve reading challenges to broaden your horizons  and make you an expert at English. We suggest that when you have completed each challenge, you might like to compile a report summarising your thoughts about it: this could be a written report/essay/book review; an audio recording; a creative response… however you work best. This is not exclusively a ‘More Able’ challenge either. Anyone can do it and choose a book appropriate to your comfort level. (see our ‘Keep Reading article’ for suggestions on how to still get access to a wide range of books)

There is no deadline or time limit on this-just enjoy.

Perhaps parents would like to get involved as well?!

12 Reading Challenges for you!

Choose a:

  1. A book by someone of a different gender to you.
  2. A book originally written in another language, which has  been translated into English.
  3. A play or film script.
  4. A collection of poetry.
  5. An audiobook, podcast series, or radio play.
  6. Something which was written more than a hundred years  ago (pre-1919)
  7. Something which was written more than five hundred years  ago (pre-1519)
  8. Something written in the last year.
  9. A book written by someone of a different nationality to you.
  10. 10. A non-fiction text.
  11. 11. A long-read (piece of journalism) – check, for example,  texts like The NewYorker website for interesting pieces.
  12. A text by an author you are already familiar with – e.g.  if you’re studying Romeo and Juliet, you could  read another Shakespeare play.

We have already shared a KS3 Reading challenge ‘Bronze’ booklet with year 7-9. Mrs Turton, our Learning Resources Manager, has designed a range of fab’ activities to help students develop and maintain that all important love of reading. The English Faculty suggest students try to carve out a regular session in the week to respond to this challenge, just like the weekly library studies lessons yr 7 and 8 would normally get. This could be any time to suit you- it’s nice to get into some sort of a routine whenever possible. Any completed Bronze awards can be sent to Mrs Turton-she has the Silver award ready and waiting to go! Again, like the 12 steps reading challenge, there is no deadline or timescale-you set your own pace for enjoyment. 

Happy Reading!

Ms. Bowe

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