PE and Health Faculty News
The start of a new term sees the start of a new programme of sport and physical activity practices, clubs and competitive fixtures. Last year many of our students took the...
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The start of a new term sees the start of a new programme of sport and physical activity practices, clubs and competitive fixtures. Last year many of our students took the...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Thank you to the vast majority of our parents and carers who always park with consideration when dropping off or collecting their child for school. Unfortunately, there is a small...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
It was a real privilege to join one of our poignant House Assemblies this week on the theme of ‘Be Prepared.’ Miss Dolan (pictured here in the Main Hall) is the new...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Last week an article in the newsletter highlighted the hard work completed by our Site Staff led by our Site Manager across the Bushey St James Trust Mr Campion, who have all been...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by HR
The Design and Technology faculty have really been excited to welcome their new Year 10 GCSE students. The teachers have started the new year with some exciting new projects. In...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
After over 600 km covered in training, I am just 16 short days away from running my first marathon for Asthma+Lung UK! On Friday 30th September I will be holding a bake sale in...
Posted by Sarah Jackson
Why is STEM important? Nowadays, most careers require good knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Even those jobs you least expect. For example,...
Posted by Mo Abusef
Students returned from the summer holidays eager to re engage with their learning and embrace some new challenges. At BMS we are proud of our broad and varied curriculum. No...
Posted by Tracy Greenwood
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...
Posted by Laura Godfrey
The start of a new term sees the start of a new programme of sport and physical activity practices, clubs and competitive fixtures. Last year many of our students took the opportunity to build on their performance in lessons by attending the many extra-curricular clubs that are available at lunchtime and after school. This year we will be holding clubs in football, basketball, rugby, table tennis, badminton, gymnastics, trampolining, cricket, rounders, tennis, cheerleading, fitness, SEN sport and athletics.The clubs are all run by the PE and Health Faculty staff and take place at lunchtime and after school. In addition we are looking forward to an extensive range of friendly, District and County competitive sports fixtures which will be starting in September. All clubs are free of charge and open to all students.
For full details of the clubs, fixtures and practices students and parents need to check on the Bushey Meads School website in the Calendar icon where you will find a full list of the extra-curricular activities. This is updated on a weekly basis to show the fixtures and practices for each week. In addition students can check the notice boards in the boys and girls changing rooms and in the main PE lobby. The PE and Health Faculty also have their own Twitter account which includes regular updates on fixtures, match reports and details of forthcoming events.
All students who attend after school sports clubs will receive R2 Reward points every time they attend.
Students selected for teams will receive team sheets with start and finish times. Some clubs may change week by week depending on fixtures and meetings but parents should check the twitter account and the website for updates. :
This weeks programme of activities can be seen below :
Last week saw the Watford District trials with boys from all over the area trialling to make the local representative teams. We are proud to report that 4 of our students were successful in making the District squads and we wish them the best of luck with the forthcoming matches.
Under 15 : Casian Tegzes
Under 13 : Joseph Hiett, Stefan Ardeleanu, Nsiah Walters
The turnouts for the first Bushey Meads football practices of the year have been absolutely fantastic. Over the last week nearly 160 boys from years 7-13 have taken part in practices and trial matches. Football clubs will continue throughout this term and it would be great to see these numbers continuing over the next few months.
It has been a fantastic start to this year’s netball season with a great turnout for all year groups practices. Matches started this week with a very tight game for the year 9 team – report below. Everyone is welcome at netball practice, sessions start at 3.15 and finish at 4.15, full kit should be worn.
Tuesday 13th September : Mrs Cartledge
Year 9 v Immanuel (h)
Result: Drew 2-2
Squad: S. Doran, V Hill, I Palan. M Baile. L Winslett, I Wijerathna, E Bird, Z O’Brart. L Qarib
Player of Match: I Wijerathna for strong interceptions throughout the match.
Comments:This was the first game back after a long break from competitive netball. The girls defending was very impressive and their passes were strong. The pace was very quick on both teams and fortunately the girls slowed down to produce some great movement down the court. A special mention must be made to L.Qarib for stepping in to play centre which she did brilliantly.
A great start for all players.
PE kit
It is essential that students have the full correct PE kit for all lessons. This includes shinpads and black /yellow socks when participating in football lessons and also a pair of white sports socks for all other activities. Students will be reminded when activities change. Students not bringing the correct kit will instantly receive consequence points.
Girls should be wearing plain black shorts which are longer than the length of their PE shirt or hoody. Leggings should be black sports leggings and not see through. Black tracksuit bottoms are also permitted.
ALL jewellery should be removed prior to the start of the lesson, including earrings, and hair should be tied up.
For any parental enquiries about any aspects of PE contact the Head of PE and Health Faculty Ashley Cartledge . For any specific issues related to Girls PE and girls fixtures contact Sarah Cooper
It was a privilege to see the Senior BMS Basketball Team in the Sports Hall on Tuesday after school playing an extremely close game against St Michaels. Their commitment and...
NEWS Mr Cartledge Head of PE and Health It was great to see so many students actively involved in Inter House sports events before half term. This included all KS3 students taking...