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Little Reddings Gallery Exhibition – Art and Adversity

Little Reddings Gallery Exhibition – Art and Adversity

Sam Cole
Sam Cole
Little Reddings Gallery Exhibition –...

On Wednesday afternoon 60 students from Little Reddings yr6 group came to view their artwork in the Bushey Meads Gallery.

The students have been learning about different artists that face certain adversities in their lives and how their art helped them overcome them. They have looked at artists such as Vincent Van Gogh and Georgia O’Keeffe. The students also came up to Bushey Meads a few weeks earlier to have a lesson about the artist Frida Kahlo. Miss Cole and Mrs Speker delivered lessons where the students produced personal pieces that represented their own identity. These works were then pasted onto paper mache corsets, representing the back supports Kahlo wore for long periods of her life due to a broken spine.

The students were incredibly excited to see their work in a real gallery setting and enjoyed looking round other rooms of the department, as well as interacting with some sixth formers busy working on some current paintings.

The students asked many questions about the other artwork on display and enjoyed giving feedback about their favourite pieces.

The exhibition will stay up in the gallery until into the New Year so please feel free to come down and take a look.

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