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Leading in Literacy

Leading in Literacy

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Leading in Literacy
In education it is literacy that underpins the whole school curriculum and our all-important examination system; one reason why at Bushey Meads School outstanding staff including our hard working Key Stage 3 Coordinator for English, Miss Levitan and Mrs McDermott (who is the Team Leader of Teaching Assistants – Teaching & Learning) have been piloting an exciting project to develop and reinforce excellent levels of literacy with students in their classes they teach.
Using some exciting active learning strategies, focused on key vocabulary closely linked with set texts the students have been learning, they shared their exemplary practice with all staff during last week’s Staff Briefing meeting.

Their ideas which are tried and tested and evidenced by some great progress over time will now be used by all staff across the school curriculum. We would like to thank them both for all they have done to promote this aspect of literacy in learning across the school.

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