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Act of Kindness in the Community
The whole school mantra, Our School has a Mind to be Kind, is discussed frequently with students and the wider community with everyone encouraged to participate in Acts of...

Year 10 Enterprise Event
On Thursday 7th November Year 10 students took part in an enrichment event designed to enable them to develop their Enterprise and Business Learning skills and prepare them for a...

And we’re off- A fabulous week of reading at Bushey Meads!
The reading partners scheme launched on Monday 11th November with a range of year 8 and 9 student buddies meeting their year 10 and 12 reading mentors for 15 minutes during CDC...

Governors Day 2019
On Tuesday of this week we held our now annual Governors’ Day and 9 of our hardworking governors were in school for a variety of activities designed to support the ongoing school...

Head of History Mr Lyley and six superb students leaders led our Main School Assemblies this week focussed on the theme of Remembrance. They encouraged us to think and reflect on...

F1 in Schools Design and Technology Challenge
The F1 in Schools design and technology challenge is picking up pace as we get closer to race day in January 2020. The 2 Bushey Meads Teams entering this year are currently;...

Year 9 Careers in STEM Day
We were absolutely delighted last week to welcome a number of organisations into Bushey Meads to work with our year 9 students introducing them to future possible careers in...

Year 7 – Taste of the Future Day
This day provided year 7 students the opportunity to study subjects available to them at either key stage 4 or 5. Each student attended a one hour workshop. Thisana in 7 Sycamore...

Our amazing musicians perform at Hartsbourne!
On Friday, three of our music students, Akshya, Rashmi and Jenna, travelled to Hartsbourne Primary School to take part in a special Remembrance Assembly. They played beautifully...