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Fantastic Football Match!

Fantastic Football Match!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Fantastic Football Match!

It was great to watch our talented Year 11 football stars in action on Wednesday after school. A strong performance saw them winning 2 – 0, with a well taken penalty by Dylan ending a good first half. The opposition came back strongly however and managed to draw level at 2 – 2, despite some good football and resolute defending from Bushey Meads. However the Year 11s capitalised on some great chances which were created towards the end of the match and a flurry of late goals saw them win convincingly with an excellent 5 – 2 final score.

Effort, resilience, teamwork and technical ability were all key attributes Mr Burnell praised at the end of the game. It was great to see. Do enjoy the photos and a short video of the penalty goal in the latter minutes of the second half. Let’s hope the winning streak continues as we look forward to a county cup game in the near future.

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