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House Assembly by Mr Tenga

House Assembly by Mr Tenga

Graeme Searle
Graeme Searle
House Assembly by Mr Tenga

The Head of House for Ash – Mr Tenga – presented a great assembly to students from Years 7 to 13 earlier this term on the theme of ‘Responsibility’.

It was the first Ash House assembly I have observed and the conduct of the students was impeccable. Throughout the assembly, Mr Tenga spoke about what responsibility means to different people, reminded everyone about the importance of being ‘responsible’ and also offered some tips and advice to help us become even more responsible in our lives.

We talk a lot at Bushey Meads School about being positive role models for others, both in school and in the wider community and it was therefore a privilege to watch Mr Tenga act like a role model to the students in Ash House.

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