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Enrichment Day – Year 8 On a Mission to Mars

Enrichment Day – Year 8 On a Mission to Mars

David Chalkley
David Chalkley
Enrichment Day – Year 8 On a Mission...
Students were challenged with tasks in D&T and Maths on their enrichment day on Friday 4th October 2019.
In the Design and Technology faculty, the challenge was to design and build a ‘mars rover vehicle’ that was capable of transporting a cargo of mars rocks across the surface of an area of Mars called Tharsis Montes. Using lightweight materials, electric motors and pulleys, the teams had only 2 hours to design and build a fully functioning vehicle. There were many ups and downs along the way, but the students showed resilience, initiative and innovation in their designs.
In the Maths faculty, minds immeasurably superior to mine, developed a mathematical problem solving and code breaking challenge. The students used their arithmetic, geometry and prime number knowledge to crack some codes and attempt to communicate with a martian.
So a great day was had and a very big 83 11 37 37 7 47 43 11 to all year 8 students.

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