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A Fitting Finale to the Mind to Be Kind Enrichment Day

A Fitting Finale to the Mind to Be Kind Enrichment Day

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
A Fitting Finale to the Mind to Be Kind...

It was a real privilege to sit in on the very special Year 7 Assembly at the end of their ‘Mind to Be Kind’ enrichment day last Friday.

Deputy Headteacher Mrs Ash gave an inspiring talk which was followed by 14 different Year 7 students reading their short stories and poems created during the day on the theme of kindness.The quality of their work was superb and provided a fitting climax to a brilliant day that so effectively supports our very strong ethos and culture here at Bushey Meads.

Our Year 7 students have made an exceptionally good start to the school and are showing a great deal of kindness to each other as they continue to settle in and achieve so well. They listened brilliantly and applauded the superb contributions made across all the Character Development Groups on show.

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