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Enrichment Day Number 3

The third of five whole school enrichment days took place on Thursday 6th February. The days are designed to enrich the curriculum for students with more in depth looks at subject areas and experiencing things outside the normal lesson setting.

The day consisted of the following enrichment activities:
Year 7: The Wonder of Numbers Day with exciting maths activities and a sports session
Year 8: STEM careers day. A day filled with fantastic workshops to inspire the students for future careers. Visiting companies included INTU Watford, Affinity Water and Learn By Design. 
Year 9: Took part in an Options immersion day where they experienced lessons in subjects offered at GCSE that they have not yet studies such as childcare, business studies, psychology and sociology. This is to help prepare them for their option choices in March.
Year 10: RE immersion; a day spent as part of the statutory curriculum focused on the ethics surrounding assisted suicide.
Year 11: Cracking the Core immersion day – students spent time in English, Science and Maths, helping them to prepare for the upcoming PPE’s.
Sixth Form: The Sixth Form started the day with a talk from Jonny Benjamin on mental health and how to help yourself. They then spent time preparing for exams and developing life skills with sessions on managing finances, living on a budget and the dangers and impact of alcohol.
The day was incredible to see with students really engaged in their activities.

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