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Dropping off at BMS

I would like to thank all parents for their continued support for making the school as safe as possible, particularly at the start and end of the school day.

The vast majority of parents who drop their children to school by car, park some way from the school and encourage their children to walk the safe distance to and from the school gates.
On one occasion this week a parent stopped in the road near the school gates and their children jumped out of the car. This behaviour is extremely dangerous to their own children and passing traffic.
Their selfish behaviour not only blocked the road and prevented traffic from moving but, in their rush to get out of the car in such a dangerous place, one of their children knocked their car door into a parked vehicle in the parking bays on Coldharbour Lane, causing damage to the other vehicle.
Do continue to support us in parking sensibly, away from the school and avoid stopping in the road at all times.
Many thanks

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