Meet the Artist Olivia Rose

Meet the Artist Olivia Rose

Aya Speker
Aya Speker
Meet the Artist Olivia Rose

Last Thursday, 23rd January, Year 12 and 13 Art, Photography and Graphics students attended the National Portrait Gallery. The event involved viewing the permanent and temporary exhibitions as well as an opportunity to meet the award-winning photographer and director Olivia Rose. The students sat enthralled, inspired and interested for an hour to learn about her artistic practice and discuss the portraits on display in a Q&A session.

Rose’s portraits of singer and performer Jorja Smith, rappers Stormzy and D Double E and radio presenter Julie Adenuga are currently on display in the Gallery as part of the Inspiring Portraits: Collecting for the Future display.This offered a unique opportunity for students to connect with practising artists who are associated with the National Portrait Gallery through exhibitions, commissions and their programme of portrait prizes.Olivia Rose spoke about her journey into the art world and how she developed her unique style and built her vision. Her stories were honest and related to many of our own students’ struggles. It was powerful to hear these stories and understand how artists work as well as the challenges they face and the successes they experience.One of her biggest messages was to not be afraid to ask people to take their photograph. Rose also advised that to be successful one should always network with others and keep sending your work to competitions or promote it through companies and social media. The sixth form students took away a great deal of artistic ideas as well as life skills with them.

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