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Anti Bullying Week- A Roaring Success

Anti Bullying Week- A Roaring Success

Helen Mateides
Helen Mateides
Anti Bullying Week- A Roaring Success

All the Anti-bullying Ambassadors worked so hard during Anti-bullying Week. They raised awareness of bullying by asking BMS students to fill in questionnaires about their experiences of bullying. They discussed the different forms of bullying and how, through Kindness, difficult situations can be resolved. There was even a poster competition for students, to give them the opportunity to express their feelings through art.

Students were asked to write down ‘One Kind Word’ as this was the theme of this year’s Anti-bullying Campaign. Mr Turner was keen to put his word down on paper too.

Three boxes were available, to assist students in telling their story, when it is sometimes hard to talk about it face to face;

‘Sorry’ box – saying sorry to someone anonymously,

‘Helping Hand’ box – Asking for help

‘General comments’ box – for any other messages

The ever popular cake and sweets stand. I am sure there were several staff members buying treats

Anish got together with mum and made Onion and Potato Bhajis to sell. A big thank you to Mrs Sanga for the delicious treats.

We were also joined by our GSA Gay Straight Alliance group, who wanted to make BMS students aware of their presence in school and their regular meetings held in E block during Thursday and Friday lunchtimes. They were fortunate enough to have Brionny Laws, visiting from Youth Connexions, to present a workshop on bullying in the LGBTQ community.

There was more excitement when a former pupil arrived at the event. Dylan Hilton left BMS two years ago and is now doing electronics at Harrow Weald college. Dylan was an Anti-bullying Ambassador during his time at BMS from years 7-11. He heard that Anti-bullying week was going ahead, from his sister Megan, who is also a current Anti-bullying Ambassador. Dylan wanted to come and support the event. Dylan is currently on the student support committee at his college. It was so encouraging to find that his time at Bushey Meads had embedded such a strong sense of community support, caring about others in such a positive way, carrying it on to his new educational facility.

A big thank you to all students and staff who came to support our Anti-bullying Week. Thankfully instances of bullying at BMS are few and dealt with as swiftly as possible by our amazing pastoral team.

Whole school pledges have finally been completed by all CDC groups, which means that students now know that they have committed to caring about others and are against any form of bullying. This unites us all in making sure we all feel safe at school. It also sends the message to those who are being bullied that they are not alone.

And remember ………….

“ In a world where You can Be anything Be Kind ”

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