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A Reading Oasis!

A Reading Oasis!

Danielle Bowe
Danielle Bowe
A Reading Oasis!
On Wednesday, Bushey Meads had another one of our regular DropEverythingAndRead events. This is where at an agreed time everyone drops what they are doing and picks up their books to silently read for 15 minutes. It’s fantastic to see everyone, including all support and office based staff reading together and enjoying a wonderful 15 minutes of tranquility in an otherwise very busy day.
We all appreciate the academic benefits of a healthy reading habit (something we promote in a range of ways here at BMS), but the power it has to calm the mind, refocus us and provide an oasis of peace should not be underestimated either. Sometimes it is the only time in the day where we can set our own agenda and transport ourselves somewhere other than a rainy and windy Hertfordshire!
Reading isn’t just for school though: pick up a book this weekend!
Happy Reading!

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