A Reading Oasis!
On Wednesday, Bushey Meads had another one of our regular DropEverythingAndRead events. This is where at an agreed time everyone drops what they are doing and picks up their books...
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On Wednesday, Bushey Meads had another one of our regular DropEverythingAndRead events. This is where at an agreed time everyone drops what they are doing and picks up their books...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
This term, across Key Stage 3, students have taken an interactive approach in studying the impact of significant events in British history. Year 7’s have been studying the...
Posted by Richard Dowty
On January 5th the initial applications for a Sixth Form place in September 2020 closed. This is just the first stage of applications and we can report that record numbers have...
Posted by Matthew O'Kelly
Wednesday 15th January at 6pm saw the deadline of submissions for applications for University close across the UK. At Bushey Meads we are proud to say that we have had more...
Posted by Matthew O'Kelly
From Monday of this week, our Year 11 students have been benefiting from yet another smart raising achievement strategy. Having just received their PPE results a few days earlier,...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
This week we welcomed Raisa Murtaza and Charlotte Boswell to Bushey Meads School to talk to Sixth Formers. Raisa is a Solicitor specialising in clinical negligence for the NHS...
Posted by Alison Crayden
On the afternoon of Thursday 9th January, all Year 11 students with their Character Development Coaches gathered in the Main Hall, eagerly waiting to find out the results from the...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Signora Bourke, who joined MFL this term on placement from Rickmansworth School, launched an Italian course for beginners this week.Students (and some teachers!) gathered in F6...
Posted by Hilarie Charles
NEWS The new term sees the start of the 2020 basketball season with practices and matches taking place throughout the next few weeks. Each year group has a lunchtime practice...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
It was a very positive start to the week at BMS to listen to a presentation from two of our superb Advanced Lead Teachers at the school Miss Pattni and Mr Symeou. They were...
For the last two months a group of keen readers from years 7,8, and 11, have been reading the eight books shortlisted for this year’s Carnegie Medal. The CILIP Carnegie...