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A Great Start to the BMS Journey!

A Great Start to the BMS Journey!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
A Great Start to the BMS Journey!

It has been really encouraging to see how well our new Year 7 students have settled into life at Bushey Meads. They have truly embraced the culture and ethos at the school and are powerfully demonstrating our 3 Rs of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships, our school motto ‘Aspire to Achieve’ and our cultural mantra ‘Our School Has a Mind to be Kind’. 

Already they have been involved in sharing their lovely Me Capsules in their Character Development Groups so that they can quickly get to know one another, they have put on a lovely ‘first day’ assembly for their parents and carers  and they have been really enjoying so many great lessons across our vibrant curriculum.
As parents and carers it was lovely to meet so many of you at our annual Settling In Evening and I’m sure you would love to click on the link and watch short video of their successes during the first few weeks at BMS.

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