Sports Day 2019
On the 15th July 2019 our school was able to enjoy the much anticipated Sports Day! The events that took place this year allowed for everyone to enjoy the day and although there...
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On the 15th July 2019 our school was able to enjoy the much anticipated Sports Day! The events that took place this year allowed for everyone to enjoy the day and although there...
Posted by Kashan Malik
It was superb to welcome so many potential sixth formers to Bushey Meads on Tuesday of this week for the annual Sixth Form ‘First Lessons Day’. Brilliantly arranged by the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was an uplifting experience to hear the debut performance of the Bushey St James Trust Orchestra performing live in the Main Hall at Bushey Meads on Tuesday 16th July as part...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
For the week beginning 24th June, the So Last Era team completed a variety of charity events, all to raise money for our chosen local charity, Watford New Hope Trust. This...
Posted by Adam Lyley
Arrangements for Collecting Exam Results Years 11-13 will all be excited and anticipating the moment where they can open their results following their hard work this year....
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by James Felix
On Saturday 13th July BMS hosted the annual Family Fun Day. This provides an opportunity for Year 6 students soon to be joining BMS and their families to speak to others and make...
Posted by Graeme Searle
Last Monday, 35 year 8s spent an action-packed week in Normandy, France. Our accommodation was surrounded by grass and countryside so we had space to go outside in our free time....
Posted by Nicola Paddick
It is always lovely to receive letters from members of the public informing me of the excellent behaviour of our students outside of school in the local community. On Thursday of...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to see so many of our new Year 7 parents join us in the Main Hall for our annual Year 6 into 7 Evening on Thursday 11th July. They all told me that their children had...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On the 15th July 2019 our school was able to enjoy the much anticipated Sports Day! The events that took place this year allowed for everyone to enjoy the day and although there were some strange moments, especially in the Year 10 Boys 100m sprint, it turned out to be an exciting and enjoyable day. Instead of usual lessons, students had the opportunity to get in the spirit by playing sports based games in with their CDC.
Students were given resources and stickers with their house logo to create banners and also got to paint their faces! To kick off the day we had Year 7 and Year 8 competing during periods one and two, then followed by Year 9 and Year 10 during periods 3 and 4. The competitions this year were intense due to the close calls, especially in the track events.
Year 7’s began the relays with an impressive win from Willow house, with Miss Wheeler finishing the race with an impressive time in the last 100m. Ash house and Willow house seemed to have had the best luck amongst the year 7 and year 8s in the track events but the winners became more varied amongst the year 9 and year 10 races. Yet another impressive win came from Ash house in the relay for Year 8 girls with Ibiso Harry-Brown running the last 100m and winning the race with the help of her other team mates.
The year 8 boys proved to do well in the discus, with Archie Peters from Willow winning by far, as well as the boys from Oak doing brilliantly and winning the relay with Willow and Ash house battling for a close second nearer to the end of the race. As well as track events we had the two year groups participating in other sports such as handball, rounders, baseball and basketball which would not necessarily be traditional events for a sports day but it did make the day far more interesting.
As the sun began to appear through the thick blanket of clouds the events for the Year 9 and Year 10 students began. Field events started out well with close competition between every house until the track events began. Track proved to be extremely intriguing as many of the winners were close to being second. Beech house seemed to have done extremely well in some of the track events, especially in the sprints. While there were mostly clear winners in all events it was the Year 10 sprints and relay that caught the most attention.
The day was fantastic and a big success. Well done to Ash House for winning the sports day overall and well done to everyone for taking part in the day!
By Megan Tobin – 12 Oak
PE CONCEPT of the Week: Analysis/Feedback (HEAD) Miss Sunpongco The BMS PE and Health Faculty are committed to promoting an active, healthy lifestyle amongst the BMS student...
NEWS After a well earned break for students and staff we now look forward to another busy half term of activity for the PE and Health Faculty. All lunchtime and after school clubs...