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Student Leaders Impress

Student Leaders Impress

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Student Leaders Impress

Our senior student leaders in Year 12 spoke so passionately and eloquently about Bushey Meads School at the recent Governing Body meeting held on Wednesday evening of this week.

They had also invited in a group of amazing BMS Buddies to talk about their important role in the school – most recently helping out with our exceptional Year 6 – 7 Transition Programme and ensuring that all our new students starting in September know and fully understand our embedded routines and culture and feel happy and excited to be part of the Bushey Meads family. The senior students explained to the Governors about the relatively new suggestion box which enables students to suggest agenda items for upcoming Student Parliament meetings as well as ideas for how to constantly improve the school. The Governors were really impressed with the quality of the presentations and also thanked our Head Boy Rikil, Head Girl Victoria and Head Prefect Leon for their outstanding work and leadership this year at BMS. All three students were presented with a gift in recognition of their outstanding work across our school community and we all wished them well for their exciting futures at some of the country’s top universities and beyond.

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