Top Tips from one of BMS’ Top Teachers

Top Tips from one of BMS’ Top Teachers

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Top Tips from one of BMS’ Top Teachers

It was a fitting end to our autumn term marking and feedback fortnight to hear from Advanced Lead Teacher Mr Symeou and be informed about some of the tried and tested strategies that he has honed and developed in his classroom this term to make marking smarter and even more meaningful for students.

He showcased some comment banks that he has developed to use as prompts to inform his practice as he provides feedback to students about key aspects of their work.

He outlined a summary assessment sheet that helps students smartly showcase their own progress throughout a lesson and is handed in by them as an exit pass at the end of the lesson.

When marking a pile of books he reminded us of the tried and tested approach of ‘trend marking’ – looking for key areas of focus for subsequent teaching and further practice to secure even better progress.

As part of the talented Teaching and Learning Team here at Bushey Meads, we are privileged to have someone so committed to developing his own teaching strategies and being so willing to share with colleagues across the school.

It was a great way to end to our first Marking and Feedback Fortnight of 2020.21.

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